Name of breeder:

Dr. Hartmut Spieß
Holzhausenweg 7
D-61118 Bad Vilbel, Deutschland

Name of seed producer:

Culinaris – Saatgut für Lebensmittel. Göttingen, Deutschland

Name of seed supplier:

Culinaris – Saatgut für Lebensmittel. Göttingen

Brief description of the variety and its main characteristics:

The amateur variety ‘Djagila’ is an outdoor paprika with fruits that initially ripen from yellow to red and taper to a point. The plants are medium-sized (about 80 cm) and bear well-formed, sweet, thick-fleshed, aromatic fruits. After the first harvest, the plants will regenerate, allowing about 20 fruits The fruits are large with an average length of approx. 20 to 25 cm and an average weight of 127g. The yellow fruits start ripening in July. Red fruits can be harvested from August. The harvest time frame extends into November. The fruits are suitable for both fresh consumption and for the production of canned food and powder.