
Dr. Hartmut Spieß, Forschung & Züchtung, LBS Dottenfelderhof, D-Bad Vilbel, http://www.dottenfelderhof.de
Kontakt: h.spiess@dottenfelderhof.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 6101 129934


Culinaris – Saatgut für Lebensmittel. Göttingen www.culinaris-saatgut.de
Contact:  info@culinaris-saatgut.de

Saatgut Verkauf:

Culinaris – Saatgut für Lebensmittel. Göttingen
Contact:  info@culinaris-saatgut.de
Shop: https://culinaris-saatgut.de/de/shop/mais/zuckermais/lisanco/

Kurzbeschreibung der Sorte mit ihren wesentlichen Eigenschaften:

Lisanco is a new open-pollinating population variety of sweetcorn and the world's first with an open source seed license. The variety was approved and registered in Germany in 2018. It is characterized by high uniformity of the cobs, good taste and a high sugar content. It yields a high number of cobs and is equally suitable for agricultural cultivation as well as horticulture.
Sowing can take place from the beginning of May to mid-June. Due to the risk of crossbreeding, a minimum distance of 500 m to other maize varieties should be maintained. Early to mid-early maturing. The long course of maturing allows a harvest period of 2-3 weeks.